Welcome to Soula Mama!
I’m Zina, a soulful solo mama, creative writer, musician and teacher, and I’ve created Soula Mama to tell my stories with spirit and humor, and share my knowledge about solo parenting, travel, personal development, soulful self care, wellness and MUCH more to inspire you and help you to live your best life with soulful purpose.
Parenthood is hilarious in and of itself (I mean, really, LIFE is) right? But solo parenting is a whole special kind of hilarious, heart warming, heart wrenching, whirlwind of an experience.
My hope is that my colorful, solo, soula, soulful mothering, travel adventures, and my journey to thrive with my daughter will both entertain you AND assist you in your own journey.
Would you like to be entertained by the hilarity, joy and challenges of raising a bright, shiny, wild and talented, extroverted whirlwind of a child?
Or perhaps you’d like some great ideas, tips and resources for traveling creatively with your kids (or without) on a budget?
Or maybe you’d like some great ideas, inspiration, tools, and resources for the wellness and self care that you so greatly need to thrive?
Or inspiration on projects that improve your space?
Or ideas for parenting with soul, grace, humor and consciousness?
Whether it’s entertainment, story medicine, inspiration, or information you seek, or that you simply need to know that you are NOT alone on your own journey, solo or not, I invite you to join me on my journey!
Pssst!!! I’m ALSO a vocal instructor, coach and clinician. If you’d like to get to know your singing voice in a one-on-one, supportive and fun setting, visit my vocal studio at Soula Vocal Studio (website is coming soon).